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How To Get A Bat Out Of Your House

Bat removal can be a tricky process, but here are some steps on how to get a bat out of your house the safest way possible:

1.) Stay Calm: Keep your distance from the bat. Bats are not aggressive animals and they are more scared of you than you are of them. Close all doors around the room where the bat is located to prevent the bat from flying to other parts of your home. Open a door or window in the same room as the bat. Once you've created an exit route, leave the room and give the bat time to fly out on its own. This may take a few hours, so be patient.

Bat Removal

2.) Protect Yourself: If the bat is still not leaving, you can try to catch it with a towel or blanket. Place the towel or blanket over the bat, gently pick it up, and release it outside. Do not touch the bat with your bare hands. Wear gloves and other protective clothing when handling bats, as they may carry diseases such as rabies. If you get scratched or bit during bat removal, seek medical attention immediately.

bats in attic

3.) Seek Professional Help: If the bat has not escaped, or if you are uncomfortable trying to remove the bat on your own, contact a professional nuisance wildlife bat removal service. Bear's Wildlife Services will show you exactly how to get a bat out of your house the safest and most humane way possible. A bat flying around your home is a common sign of a bat colony in the attic.

Schedule a free bat inspection today!


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