If you've noticed raised tunnels and mounds of soil in your yard, you may have a yard mole problem. While moles themselves are harmless to humans, their tunneling can cause damage to your lawn, garden, and landscaping. Here are some professional steps you can take to get rid of nuisance yard moles:
Identify the mole's activity: Look for raised tunnels, mounds of soil, and ridges in your yard. This will help you determine where to set your traps.
Choose the right trap: There are several types of traps available, including harpoon traps, scissor traps, and live cage traps. Choose a trap that is appropriate for your yard's terrain and the type of yard mole removal. Set correctly, scissor traps will usually work the best.
Set the trap: Follow the manufacturer's instructions or watch our Mole trapping tutorial for more info on setting yard mole removal traps. Make sure the trap is placed in an active tunnel and is secure so that it does not move around. Check the traps at least once a day to see if you have caught a mole. Try and move the traps to fresh mole activity after a week of not trapping any nuisance yard moles.
Modify your yard: Moles prefer to live in damp soil, so improving drainage in your yard can help make it less attractive to them. You can also remove their food source by eliminating grubs and other insects from your lawn. New yard moles will still come onto your property searching for food. Poisonous grub killer might remove the food source, but many times the toxic chemicals will kill incests in your yard and not actually repel the nuisance yard Moles. Trapping is always the most humane and effective way to get rid of moles in your yard.
Seek professional help: If you're having trouble getting rid of yard moles on your own, it's best to seek help from a professional yard mole removal company. Bear's Wildlife Services has years of experience and many tools to get rid of yard moles quickly and effectively.
Remember that moles are a natural part of the ecosystem and can actually be beneficial for soil health. If you do need to get rid of them, do so in a humane and responsible way.